Book Data Linkage Statistics

This notebook presents statistics of the book data integration.


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Processing Statistics

Now we’ll pivot each of our count columns into a table for easier reference.

book_counts = link_stats.pivot('dataset', 'gender', 'n_books')
book_counts = book_counts.reindex(columns=all_codes)
/var/folders/rp/hd85d1b94pd2cfs8q8h9fjx52t1n0n/T/ipykernel_15237/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas all arguments of DataFrame.pivot will be keyword-only.
  book_counts = link_stats.pivot('dataset', 'gender', 'n_books')
gender female male ambiguous unknown no-author-rec no-book-author no-book total
AZ14 248863.0 550877.0 24064.0 239915.0 155511.0 167948.0 870268.0 2257446.0
AZ18 318004.0 670899.0 27977.0 300300.0 239917.0 152438.0 1144899.0 2854434.0
BX-E 40256.0 58484.0 5596.0 15281.0 5692.0 5428.0 17481.0 148218.0
BX-I 71441.0 102756.0 9528.0 31440.0 11562.0 10861.0 35009.0 272597.0
GR-E 225840.0 334136.0 18516.0 106501.0 60515.0 738282.0 NaN 1483790.0
GR-I 228142.0 338411.0 18709.0 108333.0 61601.0 750118.0 NaN 1505314.0
LOC-MDS 743105.0 2424008.0 73989.0 1084460.0 306291.0 600216.0 NaN 5232069.0
act_counts = link_stats.pivot('dataset', 'gender', 'n_actions')
act_counts = act_counts.reindex(columns=all_codes)
act_counts.drop(index='LOC-MDS', inplace=True)
/var/folders/rp/hd85d1b94pd2cfs8q8h9fjx52t1n0n/T/ipykernel_15237/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas all arguments of DataFrame.pivot will be keyword-only.
  act_counts = link_stats.pivot('dataset', 'gender', 'n_actions')
gender female male ambiguous unknown no-author-rec no-book-author no-book
AZ14 4977284.0 7105363.0 849025.0 2157265.0 1100127.0 2359170.0 3879190.0
AZ18 12377052.0 15603235.0 1844630.0 4692726.0 3312340.0 2820794.0 10008921.0
BX-E 142252.0 183945.0 41768.0 24554.0 7130.0 7234.0 19920.0
BX-I 401483.0 468156.0 104008.0 69361.0 18597.0 18882.0 47275.0
GR-E 36335167.0 33249747.0 13230835.0 3570086.0 1039410.0 11168052.0 NaN
GR-I 82889862.0 69977512.0 22091068.0 10242726.0 3545964.0 29784689.0 NaN

We’re going to want to compute versions of this table as fractions, e.g. the fraction of books that are written by women. We will use the following helper function:

def fractionalize(data, columns, unlinked=None):
    fracs = data[columns]
    fracs.columns = fracs.columns.astype('str')
    if unlinked:
        fracs = fracs.assign(unlinked=data[unlinked].sum(axis=1))
    totals = fracs.sum(axis=1)
    return fracs.divide(totals, axis=0)

And a helper function for plotting bar charts:

def plot_bars(fracs, ax=None,
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    size = 0.5
    ind = np.arange(len(fracs))
    start = pd.Series(0, index=fracs.index)
    for i, col in enumerate(fracs.columns):
        vals = fracs.iloc[:, i]
        rects = ax.barh(ind, vals, size, left=start, label=col, color=cmap(i))
        for j, rec in enumerate(rects):
            if vals.iloc[j] < 0.1 or np.isnan(vals.iloc[j]): continue
            y = rec.get_y() + rec.get_height() / 2
            x = start.iloc[j] + vals.iloc[j] / 2
            ax.annotate('{:.1f}%'.format(vals.iloc[j] * 100),
                        xy=(x,y), ha='center', va='center', color='white',
        start += vals.fillna(0)
    ax.set_xlabel('Fraction of Books')
    ax.set_ylabel('Data Set')
    ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

Resolution of Books

What fraction of unique books are resolved from each source?

fractionalize(book_counts, link_codes + unlink_codes)
gender female male ambiguous unknown no-author-rec no-book-author no-book
AZ14 0.110241 0.244027 0.010660 0.106277 0.068888 0.074397 0.385510
AZ18 0.111407 0.235037 0.009801 0.105205 0.084051 0.053404 0.401095
BX-E 0.271600 0.394581 0.037755 0.103098 0.038403 0.036622 0.117941
BX-I 0.262076 0.376952 0.034953 0.115335 0.042414 0.039843 0.128428
GR-E 0.152205 0.225191 0.012479 0.071776 0.040784 0.497565 NaN
GR-I 0.151558 0.224811 0.012429 0.071967 0.040922 0.498313 NaN
LOC-MDS 0.142029 0.463298 0.014141 0.207272 0.058541 0.114719 NaN
plot_bars(fractionalize(book_counts, link_codes + unlink_codes))

fractionalize(book_counts, link_codes, unlink_codes)
gender female male ambiguous unknown unlinked
AZ14 0.110241 0.244027 0.010660 0.106277 0.528795
AZ18 0.111407 0.235037 0.009801 0.105205 0.538549
BX-E 0.271600 0.394581 0.037755 0.103098 0.192966
BX-I 0.262076 0.376952 0.034953 0.115335 0.210685
GR-E 0.152205 0.225191 0.012479 0.071776 0.538349
GR-I 0.151558 0.224811 0.012429 0.071967 0.539236
LOC-MDS 0.142029 0.463298 0.014141 0.207272 0.173260
plot_bars(fractionalize(book_counts, link_codes, unlink_codes))

plot_bars(fractionalize(book_counts, ['female', 'male']))

Resolution of Ratings

What fraction of rating actions have each resolution result?

fractionalize(act_counts, link_codes + unlink_codes)
gender female male ambiguous unknown no-author-rec no-book-author no-book
AZ14 0.221928 0.316816 0.037857 0.096189 0.049053 0.105191 0.172966
AZ18 0.244318 0.308001 0.036412 0.092632 0.065384 0.055681 0.197572
BX-E 0.333297 0.430983 0.097862 0.057530 0.016706 0.016949 0.046673
BX-I 0.356000 0.415120 0.092225 0.061503 0.016490 0.016743 0.041919
GR-E 0.368536 0.337241 0.134196 0.036210 0.010542 0.113274 NaN
GR-I 0.379303 0.320217 0.101089 0.046871 0.016226 0.136295 NaN
plot_bars(fractionalize(act_counts, link_codes + unlink_codes))

fractionalize(act_counts, link_codes, unlink_codes)
gender female male ambiguous unknown unlinked
AZ14 0.221928 0.316816 0.037857 0.096189 0.327210
AZ18 0.244318 0.308001 0.036412 0.092632 0.318637
BX-E 0.333297 0.430983 0.097862 0.057530 0.080327
BX-I 0.356000 0.415120 0.092225 0.061503 0.075152
GR-E 0.368536 0.337241 0.134196 0.036210 0.123816
GR-I 0.379303 0.320217 0.101089 0.046871 0.152521
plot_bars(fractionalize(act_counts, link_codes, unlink_codes))

plot_bars(fractionalize(act_counts, ['female', 'male']))


Finally, we’re going to write coverage metrics.

book_tots = book_counts.sum(axis=1)
book_link = book_counts['male'] + book_counts['female'] + book_counts['ambiguous']
book_cover = book_link / book_tots
AZ14       0.364927
AZ18       0.356246
BX-E       0.703936
BX-I       0.673980
GR-E       0.389875
GR-I       0.388797
LOC-MDS    0.619469
dtype: float64