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//! Code for processing and integrating book data.
//! The book data tools are developed as a monolithic executable. The commands
//! themselves live under [cli], while the rest of the package contains data
//! definitions and helper routines that build on this code. The tools are not
//! currently usable as a library; you can extend them by adding additional commands
//! to the [cli] module (`src/cli/` in the source tree).
mod amazon;
mod arrow;
mod cleaning;
mod cli;
mod gender;
mod goodreads;
mod graph;
mod ids;
mod interactions;
mod io;
mod layout;
mod marc;
mod openlib;
mod parsing;
mod prelude;
mod tsv;
mod util;
// use mimalloc::MiMalloc;
// #[global_allocator]
// static GLOBAL: MiMalloc = MiMalloc;
use snmalloc_rs::SnMalloc;
static GLOBAL: SnMalloc = SnMalloc;
use anyhow::Result;
use clap::Parser;
use cli::CLI;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let opt = CLI::parse();